Jennifer Dawson Phd Bcba Bcba Bs-l (Pa) Peer Reviewed Articles

Schmidt, Carla

Clinical Assistant Professor
School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies

Higher of Education
University of Florida
PO Box 117050
Gainesville, FL 32611
Phone: 352-273-4262
Fax: 352-392-2655

Inquiry Biography

Carla Schmidt, PhD, BCBA-D is a clinical assistant professor in the School of Special Education, Schoolhouse Psychology, and Early on Childhood Studies (SESPECS) in the College of Instruction at the Academy of Florida. Dr. Schmidt received her PhD in Special Teaching from the University of Missouri (2010) where she studied Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Applied Beliefs Analysis (ABA), behavior disorders, and single-subject research pattern. Following her doctoral studies, Dr. Schmidt was an Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Post-doctoral Beau at the Juniper Gardens Children's Projection at the University of Kansas working on school based social competence interventions for individuals with ASD and ABA. Dr. Schmidt has also held kinesthesia appointments at the Academy of Cincinnati and the University of Hawaii in departments of Special Instruction and Beliefs Analysis. Her research interests include the use of behavioral interventions based on practical behavior analysis for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), supporting community integration for youth and young adults with ASD and the use of technology-based interventions.


Md of Philosophy (2010) in Beliefs Disorders/Special Education, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.

Masters of Special Education (2007) in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Academy of Missouri, Columbia, MO.

Masters in Public Administration (2006), Academy of Missouri, Columbia, MO.

Board Certified Behavior Analyst – Doctoral (2003)

Key Professional Appointments

Clinical Assistant Professor (2018-Present): University of Florida, College of Education, School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies, Gainesville, FL.

Assistant Professor of Research (2015-2018): Academy of Cincinnati, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services (CECH), Department of Special Education & Behavior Assay, Cincinnati, OH.

Banana Professor (2011-2015): Academy of Hawai'i,–Ma̅noa, Department of Special Educational activity & Heart on Inability Studies, Honolulu, Hullo.

Post-Doctoral Fellow (2010-2012): Establish of Education Sciences, Juniper Gardens Children's Project, Academy of Kansas, Kansas City, KS.

Selected Publications

Book Chapters

Schmidt, Thou., Glaser, Northward., Schmidt, C., & Palmer, H. (in press). Promoting conquering and generalization of embodied skills in a 3D collaborative virtual learning environs for individuals severely impacted by autism. In B. Hokanson (Ed.),A new focus for learning: Educational technology beyond content. New York, NY: Springer.

Laffey, J., Schmidt, Chiliad., Stichter, J., Schmidt, C., Oprean, D., Herzog, M., et al. (2009). Designing for social interaction and social competence in a 3D-VLE. In D. Russell (Ed.), Cases on collaboration in virtual learning environments: Processes and interactions. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Periodical Articles

Haydon, T., Schmidt, C., Buncher, A., & Carnahan, C.  (2019). Comparing numbered heads together with and without peer led opportunities to reply: A case report. Education and Treatment of Children, 42, 245-264.

Carnahan, C., Schmidt, C., Doyle, K., & Clouse, D. (2017). Advocacy and transition services: A university based model for changing outcomes for adults with significant intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities. Sectionalization on Autism and Developmental Disabilities Online Journal, 4(one), 159-176.

Schmidt, C., Schmidt, M., Thiemann-Bourque, Yard., Kamps, D., & Mason, R. (2017). Investigation of language evolution of children with autism receiving peer networks intervention. Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 23(1), 3-17.

MacSuga-Cuff, A., Schmidt, One thousand., McNiff, G., Cuff, N., & Schmidt, C. (2015). Is there an app for that? A model to assist PK-12 schoolhouse-based professionals identify, implement, and evaluate engineering science. Across Behavior, 24(1).

Schmidt, C., & Stichter, J. P. (2014). The use of peer mediated interventions to promote the generalization of social competence for adolescents with high performance autism and Asperger's Syndrome. Exceptionality, 22, 94-113. Annotation: Reprinted in online special issue.

Schmidt, M. Galyen, Chiliad., Laffey, J., Babiuch, R., & Schmidt, C. (2013). Open source software and pattern-based research symbiosis in developing 3D virtual learning environments for individuals with autism: Examples from the iSocial projection. The Journal of Interactive Learning Enquiry, 25(1).

Schmidt, C., & Stichter, J. P. (2012). The apply of peer mediated interventions to promote the generalization of social competence for adolescents with high performance autism and Asperger's Syndrome, Exceptionality, twenty(2), 94-113.

Schmidt, Thou., Laffey, C., Schmidt, C., Wang, X., & Stichter, J. (2012). Developing methods for agreement social behavior in a 3D virtual learning environment. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 405-413.

Stichter, J., Herzog, K., O'Connor, Chiliad., & Schmidt, C. (2012). A preliminary test of a full general social issue measure. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 38, twoscore-52.

Schmidt, C., Stichter, J. P., Lierheimer, K., McGee, S., & O'Connor, Thousand. (2011). Generalization of a schoolhouse-based social competence intervention (SCI-Due south) for youth with high functioning autism. Autism Enquiry and Treatment, 1-11.

Randolf, J. Grand., Stichter, J. P., Schmidt, C., & Visovsky, G. (2011). Fidelity and effectiveness of PRT implemented by caregivers without college degrees. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 26, 230-238.

Schultz, T., Schmidt, C., & Stichter, J. P. (2011). Parent education programs for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder:  An integrative review of the literature. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 26 , 96-104.

Gage, Due north. A., Adamson, R., Mitchell, B. S., Lierheimer, Grand., O'Connor, K. 5., Bailey, N., Schultz, T., Schmidt, C., & Jones, S. (2010). Promise and possibility in special education services for students with emotional and behavioral disorders: Peacock Hill revisited, Behavioral Disorders, 35, 294-307.

Stichter, J. P., Herzog, M. J., Visovsky, G., Schmidt, C., Randolph, J., Schultz, T., & Cuff, Northward. (2010). Social competence intervention for youth with Asperger Syndrome and loftier-functioning autism: An initial investigation. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40, 1067-1079.

Schmidt, M., Laffey, J., Stichter, J. P., Goggins, S., & Schmidt, C. (2008). The design of iSocial: A three-dimensional, multi-user, virtual learning surroundings for individuals with autism spectrum disorders to learn social skills. The International Journal of Engineering, Knowledge and Order, 4(2), 29-38.

Stichter, J. P., Randolph, J., Gage, Northward., & Schmidt, C. (2007). A review of recommended practices in effective social competency programs for students with ASD. Exceptionality, 15, 219-232.


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