It is Time to Take a Short Quiz Click the Start Button to Begin Continue

A bit of competition can work like a charm to get your audience to pay attention and help them remember the presented information. Test knowledge of your participants or run a fun quiz during your event.

This is how a typical Slido quiz is run:

  1. Create your quiz questions
  2. Edit quiz
  3. Activate the quiz to let your participants join
  4. Start the quiz to ask the first question
  5. Reveal the results for the first question
  6. Reveal the correct answer for the first question
  7. Proceed to the next quiz question
  8. Repeat steps 5 to 8
  9. Display leaderboard

Looking for a fun Christmas or Easter quiz for your family and friends? Browse our templates.

Create your quiz questions

To create a quiz:

  1. Go to Live Polls tab and select Quiz
  2. Type in your questions and options
  3. Mark correct answers in each question
  4. Enable timer

The quiz is a set of multiple-choice polls. You'll need to add at least two options for each quiz question and mark single or multiple correct answers.

Creating a quiz

We recommend keeping your quiz short and sweet, and under 30 questions for it to perform smoothly.

Quick tip: Running out of ideas for your quiz? Use the magic cube to add a random question.

Just hover on the next question and click the magic cube icon to add a random one:

Adding questions from random options

If you've already created your question, but you're struggling with the answers, click the magic wand that will suggest random options for you:

Generating random answer options for questions

Explore our Useful tips for more options and best practices.

Edit quiz

You can edit your quiz or add more questions to edit anytime. Once saved, just click the three dots next to your quiz and select Edit.

Editing a quiz

Activate and start the quiz

Once you're all set, click the play icon toactivate your quiz.Before jumping to the first question, make sure to wait for participants to join at using your #eventcode, QR code or via event link. Once everybody's in,start the quizby clicking the blue button.

Refer to the participant mode to see how the quiz looks to your attendees.

Activating the quiz with participant view

Your participants will be asked to enter their names. You can track this on the right side of your screen.

Run the quiz

Keep an eye on the vote counter in the top right corner to make sure everybody's voted. Afterwards, click the button todisplay resultsfor the first question. This will automatically lock the voting and prevent any more votes from coming in. Afterwards,reveal the correct answerand move on to the next question.

Displaying correct answers

 If you set up the timer, results appear automatically after the time is up.

Display leaderboard

The leaderboard in Present mode displays 5 participants with the most correct answers and fastest response time. By default, it's displayed after all the questions have been answered.

Displaying the leaderboard

As an admin, you can track the complete leaderboard throughout the entire session. Click the three vertical dots and select Leaderboardnext to your active quiz to do it.

By hittingShow to participantsyou can also display the top 5 players to your audience whenever you wish.

Displaying leaderboard using poll settings

Alternatively, you can also choose to show the interim leaderboard after a round of questions.

Displaying leaderboard in between questions (setup)

Useful tips

  • Tip 1:Add a description
    If you'd like to add more context to your quiz question, hover on it, click the three vertical dots on the right, and select Add description.
  • Tip 2:Allow participants to select multiple correct answers
    You can mark multiple correct answers for your question to make it more challenging. To earn a point, your participants have to get all the answers right.
  • Tip 3:Delete testing results
    It's a good practice to test everything before the live event. Once you're done with testing, you can simply click the three dots next to your quiz and select Reset results. You'll start from zero votes and participants again.
  • Tip 4:Disable Audience Q&A
    If you're only running a quiz or other polls, you can get rid of the Audience Q&A tab in both Admin and Participant mode. Go to Settings - Features - Questions to turn them off. This visual tutorial will help if needed.
  • Tip 5:Run the quiz throughout a presentation
    Once you reveal the correct answer to one question, you can wait as long as you'd like before activating the next one and then reveal the leaderboard at the end. Here's more about running Slido with a presentation.

Haven't find your answer? Check the discussion under the article or add your own question!

Curious about more?

  • Say Hello to Quizzes [blog]
  • Use Slido during remote sessions
  • Manage Slido directly from Present mode
  • Administrate Slido using a phone
  • Purchase a plan
  • Create polls and surveys
  • Edit a poll


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